Maroochydore Football Club Inc. | SIGN ON INFORMATION
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2025 Registrations

To play for Maroochydore Football Club in 2025, members will need to register across three platforms:

1. Majestri (Maroochydore Football Club Registration)

2. Squadi (Football Queensland Registration)

3. Play Football V2 (Football Australia Registration)


The Fees table shows you a breakdown of the 2025 fees.


We have chosen Majestri as our Club Administration platform, and this will assist us in delivering a quality product to you all throughout the season. You are assisting MFC and your Committee by supporting our decision to move forward in this way.


Our club is run by volunteers and using Majestri should cut down on the volunteer hours put in by our committee who all have day jobs.


During the Registration process you will have to agree to our club Terms and Conditions.

Terms and Conditions

MFC 2025 Terms and Conditions PDF

Volunteer Levy

Volunteer Levy $70 per player (Max of 2 per family to be paid)

The Volunteer Levy is fully refundable (upon request) when you have completed 5 hours of volunteer time over the course of the season.
Volunteer cards are available at the club to help you keep track of your hours.
We encourage you to seek your entitled reimbursement as soon as you have completed your hours, or no later than 20th October, 2025.

Season Information and Registration Process

Great news!
2025 Season registrations are now open.
Sign-on or registration with Maroochydore FC (MFC) is a 3-step process for all players.
1. Register with the club via Majestri (Club Database for club registration fee)
2. SQUADI (Football Qld database – FQ Governing Body Registration Fees)
3. Play Football V2 (Football Australia Governing Body Fees)
Before jumping straight into registration, please read through the information below.


All players can register by clicking the “Register Now” button at the bottom of this page.
This will start the registration process with MFC through our Majestri system.
Click all the way through the green buttons to the end to complete your registration in our club system.
Club fees can be found on the registration landing page.


When you register, you will need to have your debit/credit card handy to make the player payment in FULL or you can pay 25% deposit and opt to pay the balance via a convenient Majestri payment plan (weekly, fortnightly or monthly).
The payment plan must be structured to pay your final instalment by March 31st, 2025.
To be able to train and play in official club games, all player/member accounts must either be paid in full or a 25% deposit paid with an approved Majestri Payment Plan in place to settle the balance by March 31st, 2025.
No refunds will be made if a player chooses to join a different club after registering with MFC.


*SQUADI registration for 2025 Season is open.
You can follow the below links to download the SQUADI App and click this instruction guide on how to register a player with SQUADI.
Guide: How to register a player with SQUADI
Remember when selecting find a club competition, search for: Maroochydore Swans Football Club.
You will be able to register by clicking the SQUADI link at the end of the Majestri Registration after you have made payment.
You will need your debit/credit card for the Football Qld’s Governing Body Registration (FQ GBR) Fees. The FQ GBR Fees is an additional fee on top of the club’s registration fee. The FQ SQUADI fee covers insurance and affiliation fees with the governing body.
2025 FQ fees are:
  • U8-U11s  $50.00(FQ) $15.00 (FA – payable in Play Football V2)
  • U12-U18 $66.00 (FQ) $15.00 (FA – payable in Play Football V2)
  • Seniors $130.00 (FQ)  $35.00 (FA – payable in Play Football V2)
*All fees will attract a 2.9% transaction fee.
There are no instalments plans for FQ or FA GBR Fees. Payment in full is required by the Governing Bodies.
SQUADI is the platform that FQ uses to manage the Competitions, Team-Sheets, Fixtures, Results, Referee Appointments, Player History etc. Players will need to register so the club administrators/co-ordinators can add players to FQ Team-Team-sheets.
Players are NOT able to take the field to participate in any fixtures until they have registered in SQUADI and paid their appropriate SQUADI fee.

STEP 3: Register in Play Football V2

This is to pay your Football Australia affiliation fee and will complete your football registration for 2025.
Once we have received your MFC registration through Majestri, our dedicated coordinators will stay in contact with you via email or our Facebook page. We will keep you informed on competition news (such as start and end dates), assist with formation of teams, help with selection and allocation of team managers and coaches where necessary and act as an information conduit between the club and members.
All Coaches, Managers and Volunteers must have a current Blue Card and provide the details at the point of registration to be able to volunteer with a team. There are no exceptions.
If you have any queries about the registration process, please send an email to
More general enquiries should be sent to
Please remember that our club administrators are volunteers and will get back to you as soon as possible.